Playbook of inventory and order automations
Our playbook of inventory orchestration rules will help you automate things like presell, reserves, effective and expirations. Order orchestration rules with things like fraud filtering, VIP tags, routing, split-shipping, label selection, maturity periods, order edits, per channel shipment rules, and so much more.

Inventory Automation
Automate using features like:
- ATP (Available-to-promise)
- Multi-location
- Multi-status
- Effective dates
- Expiration dates
- On-Order (incoming)
- On-Hold (reserves)
Fulfillment Automation
Automate using features like:
- Inventory based fulfillment routing (split-shipping)
- Drop-shipping supported
- Based on SLA
- Order editing
- Maturity periods
- Tag-based automation (VIP shipping upgrades, monogramming, free SKU, etc)
- Fraud filterting
- Carrier Label Selection
- Channel Based Rules